A Blog focusing on League of Legends mainly, but with intermittent gaming news that i find interesting or relevant.
July 27, 2011
League of Legends : Too much Gank! D:
So I've been playing a lot more LoL lately, and its come to my attention that I suck a fair amount at it. I've found a few characters that really REALLY don't sit well with me at all, Vladimir being one of them. I cant seem to get the hang of him, and because of this my KD, CS and generally player style have suffered greatly. I'll give him a miss for now i think.
Zilean is another champion I've tried recently, and he is quite fun, a mix between Damage and Support, and I love his Time Bomb ability so very much. I've killed a lot of runners with it, but again, he just isn't my character. I'm sure he's really good when in the right hands (as is every champion) but i seem to suck with him too. Also, Chrono Shift is awesome.
Leona remains my champion of choice for now, seeing as i don't suck as bad with her, but she is currently free to play at the moment, and a lot of people seem to want to try her out, so I've gone back to playing as Ezreal, and rediscovered my love for him. He's so much fun to play and learn, as all of his abilities are Skillshots, where you have to manually aim them, and if it misses, well tough. But he can become so very powerful if played correctly, and has a neat little flash added onto his Arcane Shift ability which is helpful in a bind.
Ezreal also has some brilliant skins, as you can see in the above artwork (which is my current background for my laptop <3) but i cant help but think that the Chinese Artwork for nearly every character is better than the Western Artwork. It's just my opinion, and it's definitely the case with Ezreal in my eyes.
I seem to get Ganked slightly less often when playing with friends, specifically Tattikat (check out her Deviant Art Page, her artwork is fantastic) who plays often as Rammus and Amumu, both of which are really great teammates for me and I die a lot less because of her. Amumu especially seems like a fantastic character, and one i would like to try out in the future, because I've heard he is great at Jungling, a concept I've been looking into recently.
The Free Champion Rotation this week includes the following champions:
So I'll continue to play and improve as Ezreal for now, and HOPEFULLY get better at some point in time. If you guys ever want to play a few games and experience the full extent of my fail, you can find me on LoL as GrimFlux. If you want to give the game a go, you can either go to the Official Website (EU/NA) or sign up via my referral link here if you feel kind :D
Till Next Time,
Have Fun
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