No doubt that you've all heard of Minecraft. Hell, I'd assume you've been living under some kind of rock if you haven't, but then I'd wonder why you hadn't dug your way out with your bare hands, or a large lump of dirt or something.
It's hard to say precisely WHY Minecraft is so damned popular (It's current Registered users read at 10,688,964 at the time of writing, that's almost as many as World of Warcraft, and Minecraft is still in its Beta.) It's a game where you can do more or less anything you damn well please, and it's Modding community is amazingly large for what is essentially an Indie title, which adds to the play-ability even more. I'm not going to bore you with facts that you most probably already know, what I'm going to do instead is a fresh install of Minecraft, loaded with a Modpack and a Texturepack, and play a little for you guys.
I'm going to be using the absolutely FANTASTIC Mod Compilation The Yogbox. It contains a communities view on some of the very best Mods out there, including a couple of my personal favorites, Mystic Ores and More by Axebane and Mo' Creatures by DrZhark. All these mods add a new aspect to the game and enhance the whole experience, especially if (and all of the mods in the Yogbox are) the Mods are well made.
I'm also using a Custom Texturepack made using The Painterly Pack, it's a really awesome site where you can build and use your own Texturepack from their database. You can download the Official Fluxblog Texturepack here if you want to.
For now, a screenshot of the first thing i saw when i logged into my brand new world.
Beautiful. Well, tree-like, but nice.
Till Next Time,
Have Fun