Here they are, original link here
These are the Skins for Existing Champions, and i think they all look pretty cool, They should at least be viewable in the next patch (which still doesn't have a release date). It has been said that the new patch will be larger than usual (Around 700MB), because it contains some files required for Dominion, and it should add the new Kill Caller system, displaying kills at the side of the screen.
All the starting Talon Skins have also been leaked, and they are as follows.
For me, the Renegade Skin has completely sold this champion to me <3 You can expect a review as soon as I get my hands on him.
Also in the preview were all the models for the above skins, and a compilation of them is below.
This week also signals the new Champion Rotation (Week 59). The champions that this week are free to play are:
- CHO'GATH - The Terror of the Void
- RYZE - The Rogue Mage
- TEEMO - The Swift Scout
- VEIGAR - The Tiny Master of Evil
- ZILEAN - The Chronokeeper
- NIDALEE - The Bestial Huntress
- GRAGAS - The Rabble Rouser
- SHEN - Eye of Twilight
- SKARNER - The Crystal Vanguard
- URGOT - The Headsman's Pride
Some quite nasty Champions there, Particularly Teemo, Nidalee and Urgot. I'm also going to try out Skarner, and see what he's like for you guys.
One final bit of news for now, the Fiddlesticks Champion Bundle will be live from today until Friday (26th) and will include the Champion and all of his Skins, for half of the normal RP. He's a great and scary Champion if played correctly, so he is well worth checking out.
Till Next Time,
Have Fun