July 21, 2011

Runespell: Overture - First Impressions

I've heard that Runespell: Overture can be compared to Puzzle Quest in the way that it's played, and that got me curious, so i Downloaded it from Steam, and here's my First Impressions. I have to say, i already like the art style of the game, that's a good sign.

After playing the first tutorials i can tell you this: this game is very unique. It uses a Poker/Solitaire system to deal damage to your opponent based on the Poker hands you create. You can also unlock Powercards, which you can equip for extra effects in battle, such as Blessing, which adds 25 to your maximum health. you can also have spells in battle that use Rage Points to activate, adding that little extra bit of strategy to the game.

You play as a Changeling with amnesia, and begin  to work your way through dirty northerners to find your lost memories. Along the way you meet a woman called Brin, who serves as a kind of Guide for the main story. There are also a number of side quests to complete, each will get you a number of Silver and potentially new Powercards.

I have to say i understand what people were saying about the combat system, it is VERY similar to Puzzle Quest, in that you form combinations to unleash powers and defeat your opponent in combat and earn silver and rewards. As far as I've played, there isn't any kind of level-up or stat system other than the HP/RP boosts you can get, which is a little disappointing, but then again i don't know exactly how that kind of system would work in a game like this, and would probably end up distorting the unique gameplay. In a way, silver helps you 'level up' because you can buy increasingly powerful Runespells to use in combat.

Runespell is a pretty cool game, and i can see it getting very addictive, its by a company called Mystic Box. Its currently available on steam for about $10, or £7.99. Go check it out.

Till Next Time,
Have Fun

League of Legends : Server Split

Hey all,

First of all, sorry about the late post, i was too busy playing LoL to Blog about it, what with the EU Server Split coming into effect and pretty much making logging in instant. This makes me happy, and Riot also gave out a free 15 Day 200% IP boost for all existing accounts to say thank you for sticking with them. This is a very good move on their part in my opinion, because they didn't NEED to give us anything at all, i think most of us would have been happy with just being able to log in whenever we please.

Recently I've been focusing on playing the new Champion, Leona, The Radiant Dawn and trying to get good with her. This leads me onto something I've noticed in my past couple of matches. PvP seems to actually be easier as a whole than PvAI. Though it may have been due to me being tired, i actually did far better against Players than i did AI, even against beginner AI i wasn't doing as well, as this screenshot shows. (Yes, i suck ass as Poppy, she really isn't my play style.)

So yeah, as you can see from the screenshot, i was AWESOME at one of those PvP matches, because i kept the pressure up and  harassed the enemy, keeping them on the back foot. I think it also helped that my lane-mate, who is not only a fantastic Morgana player, but a fantastic gamer in general, was kicking some serious ass, and the combination of  my Solar Flare, then Tormented Soil and Dark Binding from Morgana and then my combo of Eclipse then Zenith Blade and then finally a Shield of Daybreak from me, followed up by auto attacks and maybe even (if we're feeling particularly mean, a final Soul Shackles from Morgana) totally obliterated most enemy Champions.

Needless to say, I think that I've definitely found my Champion of Choice for the time being. Leona, if you build her right, is so hard to kill and can push out a lot of damage. I highly recommend giving her a go if you can.

Till Next Time,
Have Fun