August 30, 2011

Champion Rotation - Week 60

Hey guys, short post today as there isn't much to write about, just gonna inform you of the new Free Champion Rotation (Week 60). This Rotation includes the following Champions.

A nice selection of Champions this week, but there was a quick update. It seems there is some kind of bug with AoE Damage at the moment, and because of this, Karthus has been replaced with Kennen for now for this week, but they are hoping to get this problem fixed as soon as possible.

There is also a Skin Sale starting today and running until this Friday (September 2nd) for the Following Skins.

  • COTTONTAIL TEEMO - 487 RP down from 975 RP

  • BARBARIAN SION - 487 RP down from 975 RP

  • COMMANDO XIN ZHAO - 260 RP down from 520 RP

Finally, a new skin has arrived : Pentakill Karthus. He joins the band as Lead Singer. This skin will cost 975 RP, and in addition, the Statue of Karthus skin has been reduced from 975 RP to 520 RP Permanently.

Sorry for the lack of updates lately, I haven't really had much to blog about if i'm honest, but I may do a review or two in the near future.

Till Next Time, 
Have Fun

August 23, 2011

New Skins Incoming!

Just got a link from a friend from a Russian site that details some new champion skins :D

Here they are, original link here






These are the Skins for Existing Champions, and i think they all look pretty cool, They should at least be viewable in the next patch (which still doesn't have a release date). It has been said that the new patch will be larger than usual (Around 700MB), because it contains some files required for Dominion, and it should add the new Kill Caller system, displaying kills at the side of the screen.

All the starting Talon Skins have also been leaked, and they are as follows.




For me, the Renegade Skin has completely sold this champion to me <3 You can expect a review as soon as I get my hands on him.

Also in the preview were all the models for the above skins, and a compilation of them is below.

This week also signals the new Champion Rotation (Week 59). The champions that this week are free to play are:

  • CHO'GATH - The Terror of the Void
  • RYZE - The Rogue Mage
  • TEEMO - The Swift Scout
  • VEIGAR - The Tiny Master of Evil
  • ZILEAN - The Chronokeeper
  • NIDALEE - The Bestial Huntress
  • GRAGAS - The Rabble Rouser
  • SHEN - Eye of Twilight
  • SKARNER - The Crystal Vanguard
  • URGOT - The Headsman's Pride

Some quite nasty Champions there, Particularly Teemo, Nidalee and Urgot. I'm also going to try out Skarner, and see what he's like for you guys.

One final bit of news for now, the Fiddlesticks Champion Bundle will be live from today until Friday (26th) and will include the Champion and all of his Skins, for half of the normal RP. He's a great and scary Champion if played correctly, so he is well worth checking out.

Till Next Time,
Have Fun

All Change!

So after a small break (Ah who am i kidding? I'm a lazy bastard.) I've come back and decided to redesign everything. New Layout and stuff, also more focus on League of Legends, hopefully with some Casted videos in the future and things like that, you know, the good stuff. I'll be focusing on Reviews of new games too, But this time without any kind of schedule, as i seem to enjoy messing those up anyway. But i can guarantee you, my Faithful Viewer(s?) that i will update more when i can.

Till Next Time,
Have Fun

August 08, 2011

August 04, 2011

Terraria : Patch 1.0.6

Just got a Tweet from Tiyuri, and it looks like Patch 1.0.6 will be dropping early next week!
This patch includes:

  • New Hairstyles
  • New Combat System
  • New Furniture
  • Much More!

I'll bring you the full details and patch notes, as well as my thoughts when the Patch hits.

Till Next Time,
Have Fun

League of Legends : Dominion

So i just found out about a Major content patch coming for League of Legends, Called Dominion.

The content pack will feature a New Map, The Crystal Scar, and a New game mode, presumably called Dominion, where Players battle for control of Five Capture Points, and holding them will slowly drain the enemy Nexus of power, that being the objective.

I'm pretty excited for this, as it will breathe new life into the game and mix things up! All in all, with the announcement of a new champion, Skarner, The Crystal Vanguard, LoL doesn't look to be relinquishing its DotA throne any time soon.

Dominion drops just after PAX, so very early September, maybe later this month, and you can find out more here, along with the Trailer.

Till Next Time,
Have Fun

August 02, 2011

Diablo 3 : *Sigh*

So Blizzard has gone to the Dark side as well as the fucking stupid side have they? Heres the short version.

- You can BUY AND SELL ITEMS FOR REAL MONEY as well as Gold
- Blizzard will take not 1 but 3 TRANSACTION FEES from their customers, a Posting Fee, A Winners Fee and a Closing Fee
- You can SELL YOUR GOLD to other Players
- There will be NO MODDING SUPPORT
- It looks like you can also BUY AND SELL CHARACTERS (Thanks to Marshal for this one)

This is pretty much just scratching the surface. This attitude is ABYSMAL. Roll on Torchlight 2.

More Info available Here and Here

Till Next Time,
Have Fun

August 01, 2011

Minecraft : The Secret Chamber of Potentially Awesome

After last time's shenanigans, I began the lengthy process of rebuilding my glorious house. I butchered even more of my beautiful surroundings to do so, and after harvesting trees I was promptly annihilated by a hoard of Creepers, I sought my revenge and got my materials (eventually), then got to work on my masterpiece.

It was raining pretty much the entire length of the build as well, and after being mauled by a Bear I finally enclosed myself in the house and was able to sleep.

A beautiful morning on the unnamed island. I noticed I had a lot of crap in my inventory, so I built a basement to store my rubbish and general trinkets acquired on my wonderful journeys. Then I built some decking overlooking the lake because why the fuck not.

Finally my humble abode was complete. Now time to rest up and go adventuring :D I remembered the cliff face with the minerals in it that i hadn't quite finished gathering, and decided to go back there to see what i could find. What i found was.... Odd, and something i have never seen in Minecraft before. I don't know if it's because of a Mod or not, but in any case, here it is.

I don't know if you can see it clearly, but there is a stair shaped column of air in the water, and it leads down into a cave that I have yet to explore past putting a torch in there.

I don't know what to expect from the cave to be honest. It may just be a normal cave, or it could be a cave of GLORIOUS WONDERFULNESS. Probably just a normal cave. We shall find out next time.

Till Next Time,
Have Fun

Terraria : Avenging Mundo

After the Night's tragedy I made my way back to my house, finding it lonely and empty. So I invited my good friend Marshal to play with me, and he gave me a Bunny Hood and Tuxedo to ease my pain. Wearing Mundo's face will keep him with me always <3

Needless to say, Marshal is overzealous with his Sandgun :P After he left, I started to add to my house, and go kill some Slimes in Mundo's memory etc, you know, the usual.

Kitted out in my bitchin' new treads, I found Mundo again. i guess he respawned just to be with me <3. We decided to go south in the search of Clay to build a lovely brick house, and found no less than 6 pots, 4 of them in a row, and a chest with a wonderful Spear inside :D

I love the Spear mechanics in this game, if you time it right you can hit the same enemy 3 or 4 times in one thrust of the Spear, making it awesomely lethal. Next Objective: Acquire Trident! And bombs. Can't forget the Bombs. So, after gutting the land underneath my house of all Clay, I decided on a new project. One befitting Mundo and his fantastic...ness.

The project took my a few ingame days, but I think it turned out rather well. Now there is a monument to my friend who enjoys dying, apparently. LONG LIVE MUNDO.

Apologies for the short post, nothing much to really announce.

Till Next Time,
Have Fun